Tuesday, July 1, 2008

New Seminar - Creating Happiness: Experiencing the Sheer Joy of Being Alive‏

You are invited to be the first to participate in a brand new pilot seminar: "Creating Happiness: Experiencing the Sheer Joy of Being Alive."

Each of us wants to be happy. Few can say with much precision, however, just what happiness is or what brings it about. We often think something "out there" (new love, a raise, some change in circumstance) will make happiness come to be.

The bottom line is, you and I live in a world where happiness is something we're striving for, working on, trying to understand; but, what if happiness were actually a matter of simplicity, choice, self-expression, and creativity?

In this new seminar, you will come to discover for yourself that happiness — contrary to popular belief — is not simply a response to circumstances. Moreover, you will radically develop your capacity, at any time and under any circumstance, to have a say in your experience of life and to "blow the roof off" what's possible.

That's just what this exciting, first-time seminar, "Creating Happiness: Experiencing the Sheer Joy of Being Alive," addresses. To register, call Vicky (954)926-3200.

Thank you for your participation with Landmark Education.

Prerequisite: Previously completed one
seminar series or The Landmark
Curriculum for Living.
Landmark Education audio courses now available, online:

Order the "Relationships: Love, Intimacy & Freedom" four-part CD set — $58

Order the "Causing the Miraculous: A Breakthrough Program on CD" two-CD set — $25

Order the "Living Powerfully: A Life that Defies the Predictable" two-part CD set — $30

Some things are better together!
Order all three Landmark Education audio courses for only $100!

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