Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Florida primary news

A Significant Victory: By a nearly 17 point margin, Hillary won the highest turnout Democratic primary in Florida history. More than 1.5 million Democrats voted -- more than cast votes in Iowa, Nevada, South Carolina, and New Hampshire combined. "Hillary's victory... gives her the bragging rights that come with winning the biggest, most diverse state to vote so far."

Broad Support: Hillary won voters who decided on Election Day; women and men; urban, suburban and rural voters; and just about every income group, education level and age category -- including 18-29 year-olds. Hillary won nearly 6 in 10 Latinos and nearly 3 in 10 African Americas.

Did You Know? Hillary received more votes in Florida than Sen. McCain, the winner of the Republican primary. Hillary also received more votes in Florida alone that Sen. Obama received in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina combined.

In Case You Missed It: Florida Sen. Bill Nelson became the latest Senator to endorse, bringing Hillary's total to 11. "Too many Americans have been invisible to their own government. In this primary, some even tried to silence our state. Hillary will never let that happen," said Sen. Nelson.

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