Sunday, September 9, 2007

YOU&US: Spiritual Events Co-Creation

Dear Friends and Family,

I am very proud to announce the immediate creation of a new spiritual group in Miami:
YOU and US!!

It has been since few months that the following three concepts have been running around my heart and my mind: Creation, Spiritual Work, Community.

I want to invite you all to participate and to co-create Community Spiritual Events in Miami based on different practices such as:
-Meditation and Breath Work
-Shamanic Healing Cerimonies to set good intentions
-Resonance Repatterning to remove obstacles
-Astrological Talks
-Book Readings
These are just few of them.

The idea is that even if the events will be following a curriculum to allow for growth, the group itself will evolve and choose the practices which may feel more adequate at each step, as well as the frequency.
Susana Sori and her husband Roman Yaworski will be leading us in this journey, but we will all be co-creating with them and shaping our growth.

About Susana:
I want to give you some information on Susana so that you may have an idea of the amazing gift and honour we have to have her here in Miami, ready to work with us.
Please check her background at:

Susana Sori
Certified Shamanic Practitioner Certified Resonance Repatterning® Facilitator

Books, Products & Art Visit:

This is for everyone who is interested in growing spiritually in a safe and loving group: you don't need to have a previous background or experiece in any of the above practices. On the other side you may have lots of experience in all of them, and still you will find that the energy that is created in a group doing spiritual work is completely different every time...

We were thinking to hold these events every 2/3 weeks to begin with.
The day could be Friday or Saturday evening.
The group will need to be formed by at least 8 to 10 participants. It may grow as big as we want.
We will share the costs of each session which will vary between 25US$ and 75US$ according to the type and length of the event and the number of participants.

The First Meeting:
The first meeting will last one hour and a half aprox.
We will be practicing Breath Work and Group Meditation.
We will also have some time at the end to collect thoughts and shape the following events together.
It will be held at my place ( already famous for parties...) :
Alessandra Senes
808 Brickell Key Drive #3303
Miami, FL
Phone: 305-3737657
Cell: 305-9260979

The proposed Day is:
Friday 21st (apparently the Moon is sitting in the right position for us to start!!!)
Time: 7 pm.

The cost: aprox. 25US$

FEEDBACK: write me at
I need your feedback on everything: on your interest in this type of activities, on the practices you are more interested, on the day/time proposed for the first event, on the proposed frequency and above all...
On your participation to the first event!!!
You don't have to continue after that if you dont feel like.

You are welcome to extend the invitation to all the poeple in your life who may be interested, I will make sure they are hold in this loving web. Don't worry about logistics, that's my job. I will figure out and communicate all the details to everyone as soon as I get your feedback.
One last note: This is really my first true Spiritual Creation in the physical world and I really need your help and support to make it happen. Nevertheless, before posting this blog I made sure that I was ready to accept a NO from each of you and still be able to continue creating and loving you... so please choose your path freely.

With love and Spiritual Intention,

Alessandra Senes
Spirit, Creation, Comm-unity

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